ABSTRACT:- The broad objective of this study is to examine the impact of twitter ban on security threats information dissemination using Kaduna State as case study. The study adopted a survey research design and with the aid of convenient sampling techniques, 80 participants who are twitter users and resident of Kaduna Metropolis in Kaduna State was enrolled for the study. A well structured questionnaire was issued to the respondent of which a total of 77 responses were received and validated for the study. Data was analyzed using simple percentage in frequencies and table. Findings from the study reveals that the reason for twitter ban ranges from the deleting of president Buhari’s tweet on 4th June 2021 and the Assumption that twitter promotes secessionist agenda thus hindering the unification of Nigeria. The effect of the ban on information dissemination will aid in silencing citizens who have found their voice through social media ; reduce the speed at which the public access information on recent trends and events; delay the awareness of public on contents that will be helpful to then as citizens and inhibit social interaction and communication of citizens. the study therefore recommends that The study therefore recommends that Federal Government of Nigeria should endeavour to go back to their drawing board and make necessary amendments to the ban on Twitter usage in Nigeria as this will raise citizens awareness on security threats information dissemination. More so, The government should consider the effect of the ban on Twitter on different spheres of the economy, hence should adhere to the terms of ECOWAS and revoke the ban since that action is a bridge of the fundamental rights of the citizens.